How do you practice self-care?

WordPress offers daily writing prompt to inspire bloggers. I haven’t paid much attention to those. Actually, I haven’t paid any attention to those. Yesterday’s writing prompt however was “how do you practice self-care?” My honest answer to that question probably is “seldom and poorly”. Still, there are some things I find therapeutic.

I knit. For some months after breaking my shoulder in January this year, is wasn’t able to do it, but I have now reached a point at which I can easily pick up the needles again. I like to combine it with something to watch on the iPad, preferably at a nice coffee place. I rather enjoy being in a place with people without actually having to socialise. Although, I don’t mind if someone strikes up a conversation, which occasionally happens. Stockholm is a pretty progressive city, but you won’t see too many tall men built like a brick (sh*t)house knitting in public spaces, so I do attract some attention. Of course behind closed doors, they’re all at it, just knitting woolly hats like the dirty little perverts they are. All joking aside, knitting is something that has brought me peace from time to time and it’s the closest thing I’ve ever done to meditating.

Second Life is my Methadone. Don’t worry, I’ve never done drugs. Sure, I was on morphine for some weeks for the pain in my shoulder, but I haven’t even bothered to pick up the second subscription. I have gone through some pretty crippling periods of online gambling though. To help me combat that particular demon, I have found Second Life to be a helpful distraction from time to time, though it hasn’t always been effective. Distractions have their use, but I should do some more digging around in my psyche to better understand the cause and not just fight the symptom. I’ve been doing well for a while now and I have stayed off the gambling sites for over eight months, but I don’t really know how. It feels weird that I was able to just switch it off. There are very slight twinges when I see or hear an advert for a gambling site, but mostly I’m enjoying the relative peacefulness of NOT gambling. Not only does Second Life give me something else to do, it also offers an easy outlet for creativity without sapping too much of my energy. Take something as nice and simple of Noche’s latest “Toni” tanktop for example. You can upload your own images and apply them to the tank top. I’ve always liked a bit of customisation. Give me this in June and of course I’m going to put a gay unicorn on it. Deuh! It’s one of those tiny little things I can hold on to as and when they give me a few fleeting moments of happiness… But I probably should get therapy. Then again, it’s not that I really feel miserable all the time. Things just kinda feel a bit off, most of the time. I don’t know if that’s normal or just my normal.

Apart from those two things, I definitely need start taking longer walks again and eat less crap. Did you know that Sweden is up there when it comes to candy consumption per capita and as an honorary Swede (really, I just live here, to be honest… and pay taxes) I’m doing my bit to make sure they don’t lose their spot in the ranking. I need to lay of it though and start to get into the whole foods a bit more again, even make the occasional meal from ssss… I can’t say it… sss… scratch! Oy vey! The horor!

Other small things I’d class under self-care are…

  • Taking trips with the boats that are part of the public transport here, not to get from A to B, but simply for the pleasure of being on the boat.
  • Stroking any pussy I come across on my wanderings (a cat, I mean a cat).
  • Reread a favourite book and feel like I’m getting reacquainted with an old friend (I havent’ done that in ages, truth be told).
  • Watch anything on YouTube or TV that involves people restoring a derelict building, preferably a French chateau. Other restoration videos work too. Oh, and The Repair Shop. What a treat! I watch a lot of violent sci-fi and fantasy stuff, but I sure do like some wholesome uplifting reality tv that doesn’t involve people bitchin’ all the time (keeping up with the Kardashians? No thanks!)
  • I find a tiny bit of satisfaction in creating Second Life images, though to be honest, it can just as easily be frustrating when I can’t find a backdrop that works. When i.o.w. I’m not feeling it. But it’s only Second Life, right? Right? RIGHT?
  • Making a list of credits… Kidding. I despise it! But most blog posts wouldn’t be complete without one, so without any further ado…


  • Lelutka Connor mesh head (includes the facial hair and hairbase options)
  • Meshbody Legacy body
  • Birth Greyson skin for Lelutka EvoX and their body skin for Legacy
  • Billy Beaverhausen Keith shape
  • Stealthic Narcotic hair
  • Avi-Glam Erudite eyes (include an applier for Lelutka)
  • Several rather modest body hair items from Nexus
  • Noche Toni Tank, available at Equal 10 until July 5th, and at Noche’s main store after that date
  • Legal Insanity Diego denim shorts
  • Legal Insanity River bracelets

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