Anchors Away

Do you often find yourself wondering what it is you really want from life?Personally I’m not sure what would make me truly happy. One recurring thought I have, is that I don’t necessarily need a lot more money and I would be quite happy with my current level of income, if I didn’t actually have to work for it and I knew it would keep landing in my bank account till the end of my days.

With all that free time on my hands, I wouldn’t set of on a yacht like my virtual chap here, but I do like the idea of a long trip by ship. Not one of those unspeakably fancy ones and not a gay party cruise either. A simple but comfortable cabin on a ship that just happens to go from Europe to some distant destination, throw in a stack of books, a ship’s cat and some small talk with the crew and that’ll do me just fine. Or maybe it could be a train. I just like the idea of making the journey the main feature instead of the destination.

The closest I’m getting to that feeling of freedom today in SL, is with an avatar in a carefree outfit in his brand new ripped tank top and slightly less new pair of jeans shorts (wolf whistle goes here) having a gay old time on a Motorloon sailboat. If I close my eyes I can hear the gulls…. Mine! Mine! MINE! (if you don’t get that seagull reference, you need to watch Finding Nemo!)

  • Thirst Slasher Crop tank top
  • Legal Insanity Diego denim shorts
  • Belleza Jake mesh body
  • Catwa Victor mesh head
  • Birth Zack applier for Catwa mesh heads + Birth Belleza body applier, body hair options included
  • Dura B&G83 hair
  • L’etrê gem pierced ears
  • Location: Oost Harbor, a maritime-themed coastal settlement – part of the Oost West Estates. This adults-only gay men’s estate incorporates Oost Village, Oost Harbor, and Oost Fields. Its a country-themed, fully designed and landscaped region with a variety of public amenities for role-play or general socializing.

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