I never was any good at sports

It's a cliché that gay men aren't any good at sports and that fat kids always get picked last to join a team for games that require physical fitness. As mother nature, or whomever doles out these characteristics, saw fit to hit me with a double whammy (i.e. make me the fat gay kid), it... Continue Reading →

Constant evolution

The oldtimers who have been around in Second Lifeâ„¢ since the dawn of time, will have experienced leaps and bounds of progress and evolution in our beloved virtual world. Sure, every now and again things may appear to be at a standstill, but usually that's just lag. Soon I myself will be celebrating my 5th... Continue Reading →

80’s Fitness

I wonder when fond nostalgic feelings for the 80's and its questionable style choices took over from our collective sense of shame for that decade. The Netflix series Stranger Things may have played a small part in that, although the makers probably already sensed that humanity needed a story that was set in the 80's.... Continue Reading →

What’s Eating TMP 23

What's eating TMP? For starters, people who still refer to them as TMP. It grinds their gears because they've been trying to get away from that past with their new name "Meshbody". Rumour has it (oh, I feel an Adelle song coming on) that they've commented on some bloggers who still call them TMP. Meanwhile... Continue Reading →

I’m a Lover Not a Fighter

While I do admire the athleticism and grace involved in martial arts, the only punches I have thrown in real life have been accidental ones. Surely most of us have unintentionally hit someone right in the kisser while putting on a sweater in a hurry. No? Just me then. For those in Second Lifeâ„¢ who... Continue Reading →

Noche and Tylie collab

I just got wind of a collaboration between Noche and Tylie for an outfit at Fameshed. Noche created the Robinson baseball pants with socks and Tylie created the matching Ruth shirt. It's nice to see people work together like this in Second Lifeâ„¢, especially as mixing and matching pieces to make outfits isn't as effortless... Continue Reading →

Life socks

The hardship many people are experiencing now in their otherwise comfortable lives, is nothing compared to the misery people have been living with in countries torn apart by war and famine. This however in my opinion does not mean that we have nog right to look at our own circumstances and occasionally think "well that... Continue Reading →

Pretty In Pink 2

Did you know that pink doesn't exist? From a scientific point of view we shouldn't be able to see pink and apparently it's a fictional colour. So basically when you find yourself seeing pink elephants, you shouldn't just worry about the elephants but the fact that they are pink should be considered highly alarming. Oy... Continue Reading →

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